eeny meeny miney mo...

So I am getting my hair done next wednesday and I am still unsure what color I want to go with...the above are some of the ones I like. As you can see I am leaning more toward a red-brown, but I don't know how red I want to go....hmmm decisions decisions. Any suggestions?


  1. if i had thick curly hair, i would flaunt it. my opinion!

  2. your hair is sooooo gorgeous, full and thick...i think it'd look great with a medium chocolatey color with some mild, thin caramel highlights. blessings...

  3. Tough choice, these are great pics! You'd look great with them all. I'm leaning towards either of Brooke Sheilds... a little darker with some reds. Very pretty! Can't wait to see what you choose :)

  4. I'm going to have to go with Tab on this one, darker with some reds, I think you would look great either way! But I like where that ones going, LOL. Cant wait to see it!
