Questionaire Fun

I am obsessed with: seeing new places...traveling is one of my passions.

Cant live without: laughing :)

Am petrified of: SPIDERS

Am proud of: being a College Graduate!! WOOHOO!

Really need to: make a plan.

Don't get why: some people don't think for themselves.

Think alternative medicine is: for some people. I've never personally experienced it, I don't go to the doctors much...but I know people who have and speak very highly of it.

Relax by: going for a drive or watching a movie.

Am excited about: the near future - life is awesome!

My worst vice is: I LOVE CARBS...hahaha and I always have an oppinion.

Fridge usually contains: skim milk, fruit, cheese sticks, yogurt, chicken

Family is: beautiful!

Friends don't understand why: I'm not married...hahah

Attitude to exercise is: I have recently learned to like exercise! it makes me feel better and I try to do it as often as possible. I've lost 35lbs in the last 6months and have a good bit left to lose :)

Relationship with my body: I love may not be perfect but I am happy with who I am and always striving to be better.

Ok it's your turn...just copy and paste and fill in with your own answers.


  1. This is a great read... of you!!!

    My first day was good, and gorgeous outside, and busy, and no internet till tonight. LOL It's all good though, can't wait to take pics tomorrow. :) Missed ya watching Greys at the house tonight... and eating something good and homemade.

  2. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Proud of you for your strong and positive attitude... Thanks for always making me smile :}

