Friend Friday: Meet Rachel

“A true friend is someone who thinks that you're a good egg even though she knows that you're slightly cracked” Bernard Meltzer

I read this quote above and instantly thought of my dear friend Rachel. If you are lucky enough to know her I am sure you've heard her use the term "good egg" on many occasions. One of my favorite things about Rachel aside from her fun personality, her adventurous spirit, and her heart for others is her...vocabulary. Haha There is always some random new tag-line coming out of her mouth. These hilarious sayings often have the power to stop my thoughts dead in their tracks and make me smile. That is Rachel though, she has an out of the box type spirit. She is a lil bit quirky, insanely funny and all-around encouraging. There are many reasons why I cherish our friendship but I'd have to say the main thing that I love about Rach is that she pushes me to dream...she is always pulling my hearts desires out of me, making me speak them and recognize them and in turn challenging me to chase after them. She is a good egg.

Happy Friday All!


  1. Aww, that's so her!! Sweet post :)

  2. L.O.V.E her too. She is an amazing refreshment...
