Sunday Citar: Light for the Way

Threw My Window
I just love the way the light breaks through my curtains at the start of each day, I am not a morning person by any means but the warm glow is comforting to me. I try to remind myself that every day is a gift and every morning I am given a new chance to make that day count. Life is full of blessings that can turn your world around and alter the way your heart beats and is also full of heartache that has the power to bring you to your knees; but no matter what the day holds we have the gracious promises of God to stand on. That He will never leave us or forsake us, that He has a plan and purpose for our lives, that He loves us so much that He died and rose again so that we might truly live. We don't know what tomorrow holds, but we do know that no matter what it is we are not alone.

“God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way.”


  1. Anonymous12:29 AM

    Love this!! Great picture :) At first I was like, "Hmm..what is that?" Good thing I actually READ the blogs I visit. Otherwise, I may be clueless.
    See you in the morning :)

  2. That is one of the most beautiful pictures I have seen in such a long time. I absolutely LOVE it. Perfection!

  3. Anonymous6:49 PM

    you're amazing. i love your outlook on life, the sharpness of your page & the way you illustrate it with amazing photos of anything & everything.

    Dréa Jewell

  4. Excellent combination of photograph and words. And it's all very true, to boot.

    I'm a morning person by habit. Though every once in a while I like to get up a little bit earlier, grab a good mug of coffee, a jacket, and head for the nearest hill with a great view of the sunrise.


  5. Very, very cool Bri....Love you girl. ;)

  6. Awesome capture! Love it!

    Happy Sunday Citar!

  7. Breathtaking photo! Love it, and the quote is perfect.

  8. I have to agree with every single one of the comments above. LOVE this... the photo, the words... YOU! I love you! See you soon. :)


  9. Oh my stars, what a beautiful photo and the perfect quote. I love it!

  10. The picture and your words are beautiful. What a positive way to begin each day. Such a precious promise as well that we are never alone, no matter what we face. That's something to really hold on to some days.

    I just have to say that I read your profile and I love ALL of those things too! Seriously!:) Art, travel...ahh, everything!

    Have a wonderful day!
