Thirty, Flirty & Thriving

It's Official... I'M THIRTY!!

I've gone through quite a few emotions leading up to this day; dread, anxiousness, disbelief and now thankfully I've reached excitement and a place of readiness. 
My 20's were amazing. They were jam packed; full of new beginnings, new places, new opportunities and new friendships. I look back on the last ten years and I feel so blessed. As I sit here typing this and I imagine the next ten years, I truly believe it can only get better. 

Cheers to being thirty, flirty and thriving!


  1. So true!! Remember, it's just a number. What matters is what you do with each day God has given you. Have a great birthday!

  2. Happy Birthday!! I love that - thirty, flirty and thriving. From one who "knows" you only from afar, the thing that strikes me is how much of a people person you are. From family to friends - you seem to have deep roots and a profound sense of loyalty. From there, yes...many, many more blessings will flow!!

  3. Woo hoo!! Lets rock our thirties!!!!


  4. Oh yeah!!! You are an amazing woman. You will knock the socks off 30!!! Love you Sis!
