Write Yourself a Love Letter

I absolutely love SoulPancake. They create beautiful videos centered around starting deeper discussions about life and they are determined to put love and positivity out in the world. This particular video became a favorite of mine and since it has stuck with me, I thought I'd share it with you. I love the challenge it presented and the results it received. I think we should all write ourselves a love letter.

Here is my letter... what would yours say?

Dear Self,

When I think about you and all that you've done so far in your 30yrs, I am overcome with joy and pride. While your life looks nothing like what you dreamed it would as a young girl, it is still incredibly full and well lived. The way you've embraced all the opportunities life has thrown at you, the way you've faced fears and gone into adventures on your own, I think about those things and am blown away at what you've been blessed to see and experience. It makes me want even more for you. So much more.

I know that you like who you are, but you still have insecurities you must face. Those pesky things will hinder your future if you don't begin to speak the truth over yourself. You may not be perfect, but you are beautiful. You may not be organized, but you can create order. You may not be athletic, but you can be active. Speak good things over yourself. Because no matter what you have done, there is still so much more for you to do. I believe in you and I can see the potential God has placed inside of you.

That's not to say I think you are perfect, there is plenty for you to work on and improve. In this life, there's always room for growth. I admire that when you are faced with a challenge you push yourself to see past the obstacle. You strive to not let it overwhelm you, rather run towards it knowing that with determination and time you can overcome it. Of course there are going to be times when you will fall, you are human, remember to be kind to yourself. I would love to see you apply this mindset to so many other parts of your life, not just with personality quirks, or life's unfortunate messes but to your health and your dreams. I know that when you do, so many new doors are going to open for you. 

Continue to set yourself goals and do your best to rise above them. Keep walking in love and push yourself to reflect God's grace. Never forget that this is your one precious life, don't take a day of it for granted. Live purposefully and with a heart filled with joy because you were made for this moment, created for this time, to make a difference, to be a light, to love and be loved. 

Needless to say I love you and I think you are pretty awesome.


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