night as cold as blue


I had some time before my homegroup the other night so I went driving around my friends neighborhood and as I was driving the sky started changing to this beautiful cold blue. I stopped my car in the middle of the road (it's a small neighborhood) and snapped a couple shots, just looking at the pics I can feel the goosebumps on my arms and see my breath.


Dr. Wifey said...

what a coincidence - i posted some very similar pictures on my blog today!

Tabitha Blue said...

those are gorgeous... although I'm not particularly missing the cold right now.

Antoinette Marie said...

nice work again...blessings!

Gerri said...

Wow-there is a peace to our cold blue nights... Thanks for the pics and reminding me of the beauty of our cold night skies. :)

Tabitha (From Single to Married) said...

Makes me cold just looking at it!