everything that shimmers...

“Every artist was first an amateur.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson


Anonymous said...

love the bokeh!


Tabitha Blue said...

I agree with paige, great bokeh and light!!

Melissa said...

beautiful! I love weed photos!! thanks a MILLION by the way for help with photos on the blog, your email was incredibly detailed and it will make it so easy when I sit down and finally do it. I can't wait! oh, and thanks for your comment on my last post, I accidentally deleted it when I switched where the post showed up on my blog, sorry about that!! I wish it were still there! :) Your photos photos are awesome.

Antoinette Marie said...

i'd say you're waaaay beyond amateur with your photography! blessings...

Gerri said...

Once again, brilliant quote and by the way, you should publish your photography! :)

brenda said...

so beautiful!

Karin said...

Beautiful. I love the different colours. Your images really evoke so much feeling!

Live.Love.Eat said...

So nice!!!!

Christopher said...

I laughed when I saw this. Great minds think alike. Check out my post for today and I will think you will like one of the shots!

Christopher said...

Thanks for your post on my blog. Shoot me an email @ chris@bloorphotos.com and I will answer your questions. :-)

Anonymous said...

briony, you take beautiful pics! i was wondering what kind of camera you use and what your favorite lense is? do you use an editing program?

i'm inspried by your photography!

Julie Ann said...

beautiful pictures, beautiful quote. ahhh. my 'outside the lines' fix for the day :)

Tabitha (From Single to Married) said...

wow - breathtaking!!