Theme Park or Wilderness?

“One man's wilderness is another man's theme park”
What is somewhere that could be considered a wilderness to some, but is your personal theme park?
I am not sure if a parking garage could ever be considered a wilderness, but I know NYC as a whole could be seen in that light. For me it is an awesome ride to jump on for a short while, but a bit too chaotic for an everyday, for others it is the best ride on earth. Goes back to the old saying 'One man's trash is another man's treasure.' Good Stuff for sure :) Happy Friday!


Crystal Rae said...

I need to find my over to New York. I so badly want to go.

Anonymous said...

I know that these pictures definitely represent my wilderness!!! I love big cities and would love to visit many of them one long as I have someone with me that can navigate!

Gerri said...

Vegas baby!

Anonymous said...

Never been to NYC but from the looks of it, it looks like one big chaotic theme partk...