The Road is Calling

I am a Road Trip junkie, I love them and it has been far too long since I've been on one. I am driving to Virginia in a few weeks and that will feed the need for a bit but what I really want is to plan a two week long Road Trip along Route 66. We have a gorgeous country full of character and I want to see it close up. So I've decided to start my planning...the ultimate Road Trip will happen, I am determined to see it through. Haha

Have a great weekend all, discover something new!


Huong said...

I love, love, love road trips! Although flying is fun, being on the road is obviously more scenic, more memories can happen along the way, you're on your own time, and more pit stops can be made. I drove with a friend from D.C. to Arizona once and we stopped at as many main attractions as we could. And because we were driving east to west, it kept staying light out as we drove into different time zones which made it feel like we were chasing the sun...that trip was full of some of the best memories and experiences I've ever had. Do you have a final destination picked out yet? I've always wanted to do a Route 66 trip as well...I even bought a book called Roadtripping USA: The Complete Coast-to-Coast guide to America that maps out different ways to drive cross-country and things you should see and do.

Can't wait to hear your plans and see the photos once it comes into fruition :)

Crystal Rae said...

If you need someone to ride with you I'm totally down. That would be so fun! Especially with cameras in hand and good company! :P

Gerri said...

Devin said I can go!!! but for only 1 week maybe. ;) haha