snuggle up and get cozy

There is nothing like sitting next to a warm fire on a cold winter night to set things right again. As the heat moves over your frozen limbs and loosens your tensed muscles you can allow yourself to finally stop holding your breath and begin to thaw. As you sit there taking in the swirling hues of the reds, oranges, yellows and blues; the crackling of the wood and the soft scent of the fire are like your own personal soundtrack and aromatherapy. It's moments like these where you can just smile and let the calm take you.


Tabitha Blue said...

Love the perfect description and sentiment! Nothing compares to a warming fire!


Dr. Wifey said...

thanks for visiting my blog! lovin' yours with all the photos. i just got a new SLR and am trying to learn photography

Antoinette Marie said...

you're really beginning to master "capturing a mood" with your photos lately....nice work! blessings...

Green said...

I love the pics on your blog!
Thanks for stopping to visit :)